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Packager Plugin is a Gradle plugin to help you package your Android artifacts for delivery. This is useful if you want to automatically gather and rename your binaries (APK, AAR, JAR), Javadoc, Proguard map and step counter information into a desired location so that you can easily package them for delivery, instead of having to manually look for those files in the build folder to copy and rename them.

It can automatically do the following for you:


Plugin Application

You can apply the plugin to your project in 2 ways:

Available APIs

The plugin provides the packager extension with the following APIs:

boolean debug

This flag enables/disables debug messages, which is useful for troubleshooting your configuration if you’re experiencing errors or unexpected behavior. If set to true, debug messages will be printed. This is false by default.

void app(Closure appClosure)

Configures an Android application artifact to be packaged.


    packager {
        app {
            variant = <ApplicationVariant>
            apkFile = <File>
            unsignedApkFile = <File>
            proguardMapDir = <File>
Property Description
variant The build variant of the application to be packaged. This property is mandatory.
apkFile The file to where the APK will be exported. Note that this may be a signed or unsigned APK depending on the signing configuration. If this points to an existing file, that file will be overwritten. This property is optional if unsignedApkFile is already defined; that is, at least one of them must be present. If this is not specified, then only unsignedApkFile will be exported.
unsignedApkFile The file to where the unsigned APK will be exported. If this points to an existing file, that file will be overwritten. This property is optional if apkFile is already defined; that is, at least one of them must be present. If this is not specified, then only apkFile will be exported.
proguardMapDir The directory where the Proguard map files will be exported. This property is optional. If this is not specified, then the Proguard map files will not be exported. Note: This is now deprecated. There are now a few obfuscation tools available aside from Proguard (e.g. Dexguard and Google’s own R8). These have different outputs and it’s not worth it to have specific code for each. The user is better of handling this on his/her own.

void lib(Closure libClosure)

Configures an Android library artifact to be packaged.


    packager {
        lib {
            variant = <LibraryVariant>
            aarFile = <File>
            jarFile = <File>
            proguardMapDir = <File>
Property Description
variant The build variant of the application to be packaged. This property is mandatory.
aarFile The file to where the AAR will be exported. If this points to an existing file, that file will be overwritten. This property is optional if jarFile is already defined; that is, at least one of them must be present. If this is not specified, then only the JAR file will be exported.
jarFile The file to where the JAR will be exported. If this points to an existing file, that file will be overwritten. This property is optional if aarFile is already defined; that is, at least one of them must be present. If this is not specified, then only the AAR file will be exported.
proguardMapDir The directory where the Proguard map files will be exported. This property is optional. If this is not specified, then the Proguard map files will not be exported. Note: This is now deprecated. There are now a few obfuscation tools available aside from Proguard (e.g. Dexguard and Google’s own R8). These have different outputs and it’s not worth it to have specific code for each. The user is better of handling this on his/her own.

void javadoc(Closure javadocClosure)

Configures Javadoc artifact to be packaged.

Note that this uses SyntaxHighlighter v3.0.83 to beautify code snippets in your Javadoc.


    packager {
        javadoc {
            variant = <BaseVariant>
            output = <File>
            zip = <boolean>
            javadocTitle = <String>
            windowTitle = <String>
            failOnError = <boolean>
            javadocMemberLevel = <JavadocMemberLevel>
            additionalSourceFiles = <ConfigurableFileCollection>
            additionalClasspathFiles = <ConfigurableFileCollection>
            excludes = <List<String>>
            optionsFile = <String>
Property Description
variant The build variant of the application to be packaged. This property is mandatory.
output The location where the Javadoc will be placed. This can either refer to a folder or a file, depending on the value of zip. If this points to an existing file, that file will be overwritten. If this points to an existing folder, that folder and its contents will be deleted first. This property is mandatory.
zip Indicates whether output should be in the form of a zip file (true) or a folder (false). By default, this is false.
javadocTitle The title of the Javadoc to be generated. This property is optional.
windowTitle The title to be displayed on the browser window. This property is optional.
failOnError If set to true, aborts the Javadoc generation if there are errors in the Javadoc comments. Otherwise, attempt to continue. This property is optional and is false by default.
javadocMemberLevel Specifies which members are included in the Javadoc based on their visibility level. This value maps to the -public, -protected, -package and -private options of the javadoc executable. This property is optional and defaults to JavadocMemberLevel.PROTECTED.
additionalSourceFiles List of additional source files to be included in the Javadoc. This property is optional. The variant’s source files are already included, so there’s no need to add them in this property.
additionalClasspathFiles List of additional class paths used to resolve type references in the source codes. This property is optional. The variant’s classpath as well as the Android library are already included, so there’s no need to add them in this property.
excludes Set of patterns for files to be excluded from Javadoc. This property is optional.
optionsFile File containing a list of additional Javadoc tool options. This property is optional.

void stepCounter(Closure stepCounterClosure)

Configures an Amateras StepCounter artifact to be packaged.


    packager {
        stepCounter {
            variant = <BaseVariant>
            outputCsvFile = <File>
            additionalSourceFiles = <ConfigurableFileCollection>
            includes = <List<String>>
            excludes = <List<String>>
Property Description
variant The build variant of the application to be packaged. This property is mandatory.
outputCsvFile The CSV report file to be generated. *If this points to an existing file, that file will be overwritten. This property is mandatory.
additionalSourceFiles List of additional source files to be included in the report. This property is optional. The variant’s source files are already included, so there’s no need to add them in this property.
includes Set of patterns for files to be included in the report. This property is optional.
excludes Set of patterns for files to be excluded in the report. This property is optional.

For more information on the Packager Plugin APIs, you can refer to the API documentation.

Generated Tasks

The methods described above will generate the following main Gradle tasks in the packager group:

Task Description
createPackage This is the main task that executes all the other tasks described below. It will also call your modules’ assemble tasks.

You can finalize your assemble task with createPackage so that you will only need to call assemble. You can do it like so:
    afterEvaluate {
        assemble.finalizedBy createPackage
phExportApp This is generated by the app closure. Executing this task will, in turn, call all the generated phExportVariantApk and/or phExportVariantUnsignedApk as well as the phExportVariantProguardMap tasks for your application module.
phExportLib This is generated by the lib closure. Executing this task will, in turn, call all the generated phExportVariantAar and/or phExportVariantJar as well as the phExportVariantProguardMap tasks for your library module.
phGenerateJavadoc This is generated by the javadoc closure. Executing this task will, in turn, call all the generated phGenerateJavadocForVariant tasks.
phGenerateStepCounter This is generated by the stepCounter closure. Executing this task will, in turn, call all the generated phGenerateStepCounterForVariant tasks.

Other tasks are also generated in the phothers group. You will, generally, not need to call them directly.

Task Description
phExportVariantApk This exports the APK of the specified variant to the location indicated by apkFile in the app closure. Note that this does not modify the original APK in the build folder.
phExportVariantUnsignedApk This removes the signature of the APK of the specified variant and exports it to the location indicated by unsignedApkFile in the app closure. Note that this does not modify the original APK in the build folder.
phExportVariantAar This exports the AAR of the specified variant to the location indicated by aarFile in the lib closure. Note that this does not modify the original AAR in the build folder.
phExportVariantJar This extracts the JAR file (classes.jar) in the AAR of the specified variant and exports it to the location indicated by jarFile in the lib closure. Note that this does not modify the original AAR in the build folder.
phExportVariantProguardMap This copies the Proguard map files of the specified variant to the location indicated by proguardMapDir in the app / lib closures.
phGenerateJavadocForVariant or phGenerateJavadocZipForVariant This generates the Javadoc of the specified variant and exports the zipped documentation to the location indicated by outputZipFile in the javadoc closure. Note that this applies SyntaxHighlighter to your Javadoc, so you can take advantage of fancy formatting for your code snippets in your Javadoc.
phGenerateStepCounterForVariant This calculates the number of lines of code in your module, for the specified variant, using Amateras StepCounter. The generated CSV report is written in the location indicated by outputCsvFile in the stepCounter closure.


Application Module Example


apply plugin: ''

android {
    defaultConfig {
        // ...
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

    applicationVariants.all { appVariant ->
        packager {
            // Print debug logs.
            debug = true

            app {
                variant = appVariant
                apkFile = file("${rootProject.buildDir}/MyApp/App/${variant.dirName}/MyApp_v${defaultConfig.versionName}.apk")
                unsignedApkFile = file("${rootProject.buildDir}/MyApp/App/${variant.dirName}/MyApp_v${defaultConfig.versionName}-unsigned.apk")
                proguardMapDir = file("${rootProject.buildDir}/MyApp/App/${variant.dirName}/Map")

            stepCounter {
                variant = appVariant
                outputCsvFile = file("${rootProject.buildDir}/MyApp/App/${variant.dirName}/StepCounter.csv")
                excludes = ["**/", "**/*.json"]

            javadoc {
                variant = appVariant
                javadocTitle =
                javadocMemberLevel = JavadocMemberLevel.PROTECTED
                excludes = ["**/", "**/", "**/internal/**"]
                output = file("${rootProject.buildDir}/MyApp/App/${variant.dirName}/API_v${defaultConfig.versionName}.zip")
                zip = true // Archive the Javadoc into a zip file.

The configuration above generates the following tasks:

Executing createPackage yields:

Library Module Example


apply plugin: ''

android {
    defaultConfig {
        // ...
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

    libraryVariants.all { libVariant ->
        packager {
            // Print debug logs.
            debug = true

            lib {
                variant = libVariant
                aarFile = file("${rootProject.buildDir}/MyApp/Lib/${variant.dirName}/MyLib_v${defaultConfig.versionName}.aar")
                jarFile = file("${rootProject.buildDir}/MyApp/Lib/${variant.dirName}/MyLib_v${defaultConfig.versionName}.jar")
                proguardMapDir = file("${rootProject.buildDir}/MyApp/Lib/${variant.dirName}/Map")

            stepCounter {
                variant = libVariant
                outputCsvFile = file("${rootProject.buildDir}/MyApp/Lib/${variant.dirName}/StepCounter.csv")
                excludes = ["**/", "**/*.json"]

            javadoc {
                variant = libVariant
                javadocTitle =
                javadocMemberLevel = JavadocMemberLevel.PROTECTED
                excludes = ["**/", "**/", "**/internal/**"]
                output = file("${rootProject.buildDir}/MyApp/Lib/${variant.dirName}/API_v${defaultConfig.versionName}")
                zip = false // Output the Javadoc to a folder instead of a zip file

The configuration above generates the following tasks:

Executing createPackage yields: